Elsie Qiong Wu's profile


Comic Strips
Time: 26/08/2016 - 30/08/2016
Image 1 (26/08/2016)
Image 2 (27/08/2016)
Image 3 (28/08/2016)
Image 4 (29/08/2016)
Image 5 (30/08/2016)
Final Comic Strips
Title: Crying boy
Technique: Pencil, water pen and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Processing: use the pencil drawing first and make the line dark use the water pen, then, open the illustrator to "trace" & "expand"; final to coolor it.

Reasoning: The comic inspired me is my brother. Sometimes he is very noisy, but he very like songs,especially “Gangnam Style". Today, I don't know why he lay down the floor and crying very loudly. I though he maybe hungry or thirsty, but he still crying and don't look at me. after 5 mins, my mom's phone was ring and the tone is Gingham Style, he stops crying and look at mom, then said ”oppa~oppa!" so like now, he just play the phone and watch the TV show about Gingham Style. 
Reflection: I have research for comic, this is my first time to try about the comic. I have lots of first time in this unit. I think I am doing well with comic, maybe have drawing problems. But I think I can get better more than before. 


Comic Strips
