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When The Lights Up - Interactive Lighting Installation


This installation art <WHEN THE LIGHTS UP> is controlled and manipulated by computer programming to control the lighting up of the light tubes. Among the structure of right tubes, there is a “hidden” clock showing at a specified angle in every minute. The time changes its viewing location in every minute. The work engages participates / audiences looking for the right angles to actively “search” the time.

The work brings out the message - Time is not taken as granted and we may endlessly gain or lose in the time-searching process. Sometimes when you look around and think, you will discover “time” has gone and cannot be found anymore. In the way, “WHEN THE LIGHTS UP” demonstrates the relation between “time”, “space” and “life”.


LED Lights
Plastic Tubes
Arduino & MAXMSP

Audience should walk around the installation to look the suitable angle of neon time illusion.

The appearance of the installation was made by transparent plastic tubes and joints which a laser-cut acrylic joints.
When The Lights Up - Interactive Lighting Installation

When The Lights Up - Interactive Lighting Installation

A lighting clock interactive installation. This installation art controlled and manipulated by computer programming to control the lighting up of Read More
