Brodie Henry's profile

Tank Wars (Animated Board Game)

High Concept: Based in another world similar to Earth and a great war has started but the war uses earth modeled from different time periods (past, future, present)

Hook: The game will be a strategy Board Game action game and in the modern world of FPS’s It will be nice to have different action game.

Genre: Strategy

Player Skills: Patience and timing as well as the ability to think ahead and plan his actions.

Mood: The player should feel challenged by the different problems he shall face and competitive and a bit addicted.
I will make the player feel addicted by including bright colours in the game as a study shows that having bright colours in a game makes you more likely to be addicted this is why a lot of the addicting games out there have bright colours.
I will make the player feel challenged by including pre made bots that can go up to very high difficulty.

Visual Style: In my game style graphics, I would like to do something similar to borderlands graphics with the outlines on all the assets and I would do cartoon style graphics similar to TF2 and battle nations (see above graphics) I would like lots of shading, sort of war-ish colours such as green, orange, red, yellow, and brown. Darkish high Contrast a painted Realistic cartoon.
Target Audience: 11-30

Story, Synopsis, Characters and Setting
Story: Somewhere in a different galaxy there is a huge war going on based on Earth's wars old and new and there really old WW1 tanks and Modern tanks as well as futuristic tanks and basically they all go head to head in mini battles and maybe the ability to unlock jets and take the fight higher and battle tanks and jets/helicopters and you can upgrade your vehicles and purchase new ones as well as upgrade and restock and purchase a new set of weapons.

Game Synopsis: Based in alternate earth in the future a huge war is going on involving different levels of technology, and You play through collect new board pieces and power ups.

Characters: Agent Kane

Setting: Set in the middle of a futuristic war, in an alternate Earth with both old and new Earth technology; with a mix of laser guns, gun powder guns and with high tech fighter jets and small WW1 planes.

Description: Tank Wars is a board game where you go through levels and earn ‘pieces’ that help you complete the game it is a turn by turn based game where you can move your ‘pieces’ around and you can use them to send projectiles at other players which move and different speeds.

Main Goal: The main goal of this game is to play through matches and level up and collect pieces to allow you to enter higher level matches.

Enhancing player experience: To Enhance the player's experience would add some cool explosion particles
I would add some weather particles and effects
I would add awesome music
I would add in sound effects
I would add in some animations for everything like moving spaces make a cool animation

Controls (HUD): Touch screen input for iPad, iPod, iPhone or other tablets. Arrow keys on WASD keys and mouse pointer clicks on the computer.

Camera: Top on view for the tanks and boats but the plane will have a side on view.

Graphical User Interface (GUI): Swipe for movement or arrows on edge of display
For attacks and special moves the buttons will be placed in the bottom corners
For health, boosts and game options they will be place at the top corners

Progressing through game: To progress though this game you would complete levels, achievements that would give you different ‘pieces’ to work with then you can level on to the next level

Sounds and Environment
Ambient Environment: What is the environment like such as sound, lightning etc.

Music: In my game I would include Russian war music (example below)

Artificial Intelligence and Player tracking
Artificial Intelligence: A movement AI that is able to avoid incoming projectiles

Player Tracking: In this game there will be a targeting tracking (aiming) AI and it is should be able to react to the user's position and stuff.

Scoring, bonuses and In Game Currency
Scoring: Scores will be earn by completing achievements completing levels and others

Bonuses: In this game there will be bonuses they will be earned via lotteries, achievements, challenges purchasing them using in-Game Currency

In Game Currency: In my game there a couple different types of in Game Currencies such as pieces to collect that have different properties in the game. This game also has a in game currency that allows you to buy more pieces and buy vanity items and others. You can also purchase the in game currency with real money (in app purchases / Micro Transactions)

Opening scene: For this game I will include cut scenes in the campaign to help tell the story.
Mid Game Cut scene: In the middle of the game i will include cut scenes as you progress through levels to help tell the story.
End Game Story: In this game I will end the video with a cut scene that teases towards a new game


YouTube: YouTube would be a good marketing medium because a lot of gamers and teens are on YouTube and the audience that I am targeting are a large percentage of the people watching YouTube.

AppStore/Google Play: This will also be a good marketing medium because people that enter the app store are generally looking for games or apps, so they will be open minded and more likely to download the game if it is a few taps away.

Additional Budget: would go to the App Store/Google Play as when people view ads on the app store they are already in the app so they don’t need to change apps to download also people trust the app store and when a game is on the home page people think that means it is popular so they feel a compulsion to download it.

Advertisements within similar games: This will be a good marketing medium because the people playing the games are already into that genre.

Magazines: Magazines generally review smaller mobile games and they get better reviews and more readers so a lot of people enjoy reading magazines so if they enjoy the magazine they will associate fun with the game.

Facebook & other social platforms: Facebook and other social platforms are another great marketing medium because everyone is on at least one social platform and most people are on mobile devices so they won’t even have to change the device to play after they have seen the ad they can just go straight and get it.

Monitor Medium Results
Facebook: For my marketing metric on Facebook I would record the clicks on my Facebook ad as well as shares likes comments etc.

Magazines: For my marketing metric for magazines I would record the amount of magazine referral codes were used.

Advertising within similar games: My marketing metrics would record the about of ad clicks and ad impressions.

Appstore/Google play promotion: My marketing metric would record the promotional ad clicks.

Youtube: I would use my marketing metric to record the amount of ad clicks and impressions I got on my ads

Types of ads
CPI / CPC:  Advertising in other similar games I would place a cpi ad during the gameplay and a cost per click ad on the menu as people are more likely to click the ad if they are not inside a game.

Advertising on search engines I would put a CPC ad on the results page that is related to my game so that people searching for games will get that and will be more likely to click on it.

Zero Cost marketing: I would get people to refer their friends to the game and offer a ingame reward such as ingame currency.
I would also offer ingame rewards to share on facebook and other social media Platform.

Agent Kane
The main Character's name in my game is Agent Kane.
He is one of the leading commanders on the rebel alliance and he is trying to destroy the new planet rulers that modeled themselves on the Nazi belief.
I chose this name because this name is a very popular military name. Kane was born into war so naturally he would get a military name.

Kane is 34 years old and has alway been a very heroic/masculine character when he was 12 he went camping with the family and he fought of a bear with his bare hands but the bear left a scar going down his face.
Kane Knows nothing other than war when the war finishes he would be left with nothing more to do; he still wants to win though.
When Kane was 21, he got kidnapped and tortured and experimented on he gained some unpleasant memories then and lost all memories in the process so now he is trying to forget those memories and remember the ones of his family.
He got kicked out of the high command and put in charge of a small offensive battalion.
Kane has always been a bit of mechanical prodigy.

My character's attitude is very reckless and he is always disobeying orders and putting himself or others in risk, but in the end helps get the job done nice and quick.

My characters build is skinny, tall, and he has a big scar going down his face from the bear attack when he was 12. Most the time he would wear military gear with the sleeves ripped etc.

Kane’s directive has always been clear to him to win the war but then other stuff happened and he know also wants to remember his family and forget about all the dark stuff in his life
Future Plans
My game will offer merchandise such as caps, hats, mugs, bottle holders and keychains etc.

Publishing & Distribution
Publishing: I would probably not use a publisher unless I could reserve the rights to the game and own the rights to merchandise, so that way if the game is a huge success I can do a sequel or expansions

Distributer: I would use a distributer to help with the marketing of my products to help market my products and sell them

New campaign levels: I would expand the campaign levels after the initial release in the form of a update
New Tanks and assets: I would expand the pieces and assets in the game by adding more tanks and other items.
Add Vanity Items: I would add vanity items that would allow the player to customise and personalise the game.
Possible partnerships: As a expansion I would add possible partnerships with other companies such as featuring their characters such as battle nations partnership with TF2.
Swot Analysis of Product
Strengths: Not much animated board games on the market
Weaknesses: Not as hard core game as some others so may send some people away
Opportunities: To fill the gap in the market to do with war board games on the mobile
Threats: Threats not as such of a ‘big title’ so it will not attract as much attention.

Intellectual Property
I have done market research there are a couple of similar board game but they are much more complicated than mine and they are all analog.

Project Management
Size / Scope: Just under medium So only just in the small category
Time: My game should not take very long because it is a 2D overhead based game it also does not need any barriers or anything like that because there is only so much things you need to program in a board game
Quality: Medium
Asset Design $750
Game Design $5250
Marketing $2500
Publishing $1000
Total $9500

Industry Events and Conferences
Transport: the cost of the flight for a team of 5 would be roughly $8,000

PAX EAST Opportunities: Since my game will be a really small game and would not need much to space in a booth and would not need as much exhibitor badges I would pick the first one the 10 x 10 standard booth that costs $1,600 (I am assuming this is in USD Because it is a US event) I would also take advantage of the wireless internet splash screen marketing opportunity at $12,500 which so far would bring the cost of the conference to $14,100 I would also hold a Panel in the satellite theater with the streaming option which would cost $6,000 and my total $20,100. For the signage opportunities I would investigate into the official PAX live streaming opportunities but I would have to inquire for the prices. I would also get the signage inside the lineup hall because then people will read it I WIll get 1 in the main theater and exhibition hall which would cost $15,000 bringing the total too $35,100 I would also get some free standing signage at the wireless lounges I would get 4 of them and I would get 3 at the console freeplay area costing $14,700 bring the total cost to $49,800 a set of 4 logoed shirts would cost roughly 250 for a team of 5 people and for two logoed banners would cost 340(extra charges may apply due to transport) I would not want any custom stationery) 50,390
I would also purchase a iPad Pro (large size) because the large screen and great specs will make our demo more flawless I would get the space grey model with 32 GBs (because we would not need much size as it would only need to hold the game) all up the iPad would cost around $1,300 with 2 Mophie with 12,000 mah each and that will be more than enough for a whole day costing $380 for the battery packs for wifi the event has free wifi and since the game demo would not be online it would not really need it but we could bring back up mobile data.
Bringing the total cost to $52,070 give or take a couple thousand dollars.
Tank Wars (Animated Board Game)

Project Made For

Tank Wars (Animated Board Game)

I made this game design document and game planing document as part of a Interactive Entertainment Production Course
