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Back To Basics Classic Trail Mix

Back To Basics Classic Trail Mix 
Integrated Marketing Campaign Plan
We are lucky to live in a world today where we are given a wide variety of opportunity and choices to make. We are challenged especially with the pressure of making the right dietary choices for our kids. As a combination of bite-sized dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate you cannot go wrong with choosing Back To Basics Trail Mix brand as you go to snack for any occasion. Whether it is a neighborhood gathering or a summer night by the fire Back To Basics Trail Mix brand is your family’s favorite “snick-snacks” put into one delicious treat. Back To Basic Trail Mix is the ideal snack food for a quick energy boost while you’re on the go. No refrigerator or microwave needed. The Back To Basics Classic Trail Mix brand is a true family favorite.
As we fall deeper into 2016, we are immersed in moms trying to impress other moms with their ever-so-creative pinterest recipes. We question what has happen to the traditional neighborhood family gatherings that did not include a calorie-filled fudge filled cookie dough cheesecake. This campaign in particular is a wake up call that we must go back to basics starting with the family favorite and all in one Back To Basics Trail Mix.

The Audience:
The primary target audience for Basic To Basics Trail Mix is millennial mothers age ranging from 25-35. The children of these targeted millennial mothers all are below the age of 10 years old. Their individual incomes range from $45,000 to $65,000 and are willing to pay a premium for the best products for their families, especially when it comes to food and drink. With the power to set trends and their control of the purchasing decisions these moms always look for the best of the best products. They love quality and hate buying “cheaper” consumer products since they want the best for their children and their future. Back To Basics will be a trusted brand for moms that will work for themselves and their family. It is a product that will never disappoint with a quality much better than other trail mix snack brands.
While balancing careers, children, housework, finances, and their own free time a millennial mom may question if they are doing a great job raising their kids. Millennial moms learn from other moms and are commonly reading up on social networks, blogs, and influencers person stories for recommendations on brands and product choices. They are never afraid to ask for help and are constantly exposed to reviews and others peoples opinions on parenting. Technology is a huge advantage for these parents with millennial moms seeing its value for making them better parents.
The secondary audience for Back To Basic Trail Mix would be the mothers of the millennial mothers. In today’s world, millennial parents have great respect for their own parents. They commonly move close to family and value their time spent together. In most cases, millennial moms will learn from their own mothers but also teach their mothers a thing or two about brands and products since we have grown up in a cutting-edge technology society with information right at our fingertips. There is no need to buy a cookbook from Barnes and Noble when we can simply look up recipes on Pinterest and share them on Facebook. We hope mothers of millennial mothers will love the Back To Basics Trail Mix product since they will feel almost nostalgic about going back to old simpler ways with a traditional snack product.

The problem with trail mix is that it is the “forgotten” classic snack for any family party or neighborhood gathering. By reintroducing the trail mix product we hope to convince, reach, and motivate millennial moms that this is the best choice to make everyone happy and satisfied at your next gathering. Positioning this product as the traditional favorite yet high quality snack choice will give us the competitive advantage. There is no exact brand that comes to mind when you think of trail mix and you really just think of it for what it is and includes. Establishing a strong brand identity that resonates with the millennial mother consumer will be key in standing out as a trail mix product brand.
Our primary strategy will be to remind the audience of the good old days of limited access to technology like when the millennial mothers were kids. Back To Basics will essentially be presenting a lifestyle to associate with the trail mix product. In today’s society there is so much dicussion on how technology will affect our kids futures with basic communication skills and their ability to use imagination and play. We hope to be able to prove that this product is truly going “back to basics” and back to simpler times. We also hope this brand motivates millenniial moms to encourage their kids to collaborate, build relationships, and foster strong community ties.

The Message:
The tone of the campaign will be key in making the millennial moms feel a personal connection to the Back To Basics Trail Mix brand. The nostalgic tone of my campaign will create an emotional connection to compel the millennial bother to buy the Back To Basic Trail Mix product even if there are cheaper options available. Since this campaign is targeted for young mothers, it will be a tone that suggests competence and caring in family values. This tone will remain consistent throughout all mediums and media in the campaign to hold on to the trust built with this specific target audience.
The language used to convince the audience to take action will be reflective and reminiscent. The top three messages that Back To Basics Trail Mix brand would want to get out to the target audience include that Back To Basics is the right choice since it the all in one snack, it is the family favorite, and trail mix symbolizes childhood and the good old days.

The Media Mix:
The media will be used to reach the millennial mother target audience on multiple media outlets and at specific times. These are young professional working mothers who will hear radios ads for Back To Basics Trail Mix during their commute to work in the early morning as well as during the five o’clock traffic on their way home. These ads will run on their favorite radio stations which ranges from today’s hits on 107.9, country on 102.5, and the 90s music on 92.9. The 5 o’clock radio ads will be the most important since mothers generally run to the grocery store after their work day is over.
Ads for the Back To Basic Trail mix will be placed in lifestyle and parenting magazines that attract millennial mothers including Real Simple, Country Living, and O, The Oprah Magazine. Out-of-home ads will be successful since these mothers are always on the go. You will be able to see ads for Back To Basics on billboards nearby grocery stores on the highways where most women are commuting home.
Aside from print ads many specific digital media vehicles will be used as millennials are always on their phones, on social media and surfing the web. Social media campaigns, where millennial moms can engage, will be used as a way for the mothers to feel apart of the brands and the lifestyle it entails. Social media and the online presence will reinforce our connection with our target audience but also be a platform where mothers can connect with other mothers by reviewing and discussing our products together.

The Deadline:
Though Back To Basic Trail Mix brand can be consumed year round, it will be key to reach audience during the spring and summer time when outside gatherings and activities begin to commence. For the maximum effect on our target audience we hope to have our strongest efforts begin around Memorial Day all the way until Labor Day weekend. This is when we feel that the world “wakes up” and becomes alive again where everyone enjoys being outdoors and are active and cheerful. This is similar to the idea of ice cream shops that open seasonally from the Memorial Day to Labor Day dates. 
Back To Basics Classic Trail Mix

Back To Basics Classic Trail Mix

The Back To Basics Classic Trail Mix brand was created as part of a mock integrated marketing communications campaign. I was able to choose a pro Read More
