Liane Ng's profile

Launch event for MakerBot 3D Printers

Alloys national distribution launch event of MakerBot 3D printers. 
• A teaser campaign was launched prior to the event to engage interest in the channel with the tagline "Taking print to a new dimension".
• Launch event branding created followed the MakerBot style guide and involved EDM invitations, A1 posters, screen graphics, showroom wall graphics, sample packs, an introductory video and presentation graphics. 
• The introductory video was played at the start of the event to pump up the crowd and was the first announcement that Alloys was distributing MakerBot 3D printers.
EDM launch invitation
MakerBot A1 posters with teaser tag line
Introductory video
MakerBot DL range guide and launch specials
Launch event for MakerBot 3D Printers

Launch event for MakerBot 3D Printers

National launch of MakerBot 3D printer distribution in Australia.
