Kurt Wasemiller's profile

Rock Climbing Logos

These are all prospective pieces that I've worked on in my own time. As with many markets of commerce, there are some fantastic rock climbing gyms with equally fantastic branding. This makes the potential for revenue through merchandise that much more achievable. 

In my time researching what is out there something became very obvious. Many climbing gyms are in need of a solid logo design. Whether it be budget or options, a lot of these gyms and clubs seem to come up with a rough mark or logo that doesn't stand out. In a good way at least. There are a lot of iterations of what I like to call "the climbing man". Just as it sounds, it's a figure (abstract or not) traversing something. A letter, a solid block of sorts. We can do much better than that!

This will be an on-going project. I hope to make some connections within the climbing community as a whole and utilize my abilities to other areas such as web design and apparel.
Grades Sport Climbing Gym
Rock Climbing has been through a surge in the past years. Sport climbing and climbing gyms are on their way to be the next fitness venture. If they aren't already. With the emergence of sport climbing, I was inspired to do a fun project for my home country the United States. I hope to come up with a few options and maybe even turn some heads within the sport.
Rock Climbing Logos

Rock Climbing Logos

Prospective branding and logos
