In the era of the globalized world, where borders are increasingly blurred and constantly redefining the way we explore and experience the diversity often it creates tensions. However, today more than ever, you need to look to the arguments of others with serenity.
Topic "The Otherness" will be the theme of debates and meetings of the VI edition of Taobuk - Taormina International Book Festival, scheduled for September 10 to 17 in 2016.
The Other-as-We, the bearer and executor of different choices, is now part of our field of newspaper experience. The other is a negation of ourselves or a mirror? What is our gaze towards the Other? It seems that we are still capable of tolerating, but we are able to accept diversity and treasure?

The path that guides the public is marked by flags similar to bookmark. 
All flags are of a single color, so as to have a single visual identity.
Each flag is numbered.
Within the stores will be a carpet with the same shape of the flag, to be recognized, where guests can perform
While books will be on display in the windows.
The final installazzione is a maze, in which panels have a different opacity. In this way those who enter can't hardly perceive what the visual sensations generated internally and which externally.


Exhibition Design
