Tales From When I Had A Face: 

Full color illustrated novel, presently in production, and seeking a publisher.
A shaman from Siberia, Gran’s stories transport young Ayta out of the isolation of her youth and into Alterran, a land of the distant future now re-entering an industrial age and facing its own apocalyptic struggle. 
We encounter many of the themes and characters established in book 1, explored from an entirely new angle in the lushly illustrated novel.
Party At The World's End:

Take a mad ride past the event horizon of sanity with Lilith and her band of fallen Gods, in the final days of the American Empire. This is the story of the Fallen who walk amongst us, and hints of the world to come. Lyrical, surrealist and raw, Party At The World’s End isn’t afraid to defy expectation at every turn.
3rd Edition Cover:
2nd Edition Cover: 
Words of Traitors:
A collection of early drafts of material for the Fallen Cycle and never-elsewhere seen full color art, like a scrapbook of treacherous memories.

Full color art was produced with an international collection of artists, and printing of a limited-time edition and art shows secured. The WoT art show made its way through a variety of venues in Philadelphia and LA, both big and small, giving yet another perspective on the material herein. And then it was finished, some of the best material was culled for use in Party At The World's End, and the rest left on the cutting room floor. 
The Fallen Cycle

The Fallen Cycle

A battle between the light of remembrance and dark of forgetting, the burden of tradition, and the cost of progress. These dark modern fairy tale Read More
