MOMO Toys  is a personal proyect which porpuse is to prevent and help in the correct develop of motor movement skill.
Motor movement skill are all the skill a person develops  from the moment of birth and all thru chilhood; all of them go from mental skill like logic and the capacity to solve puzzles, to physical, such as balance and coordination.

Every person develops this set of skill in different times and levels,  therefore theres no especific or precise way to know if a child is going to be underdevelop or if is going to face dificulties resolving  some task, plus there are many reasons a person can eventually suffer of motor movement issues like: genetic, a desease or an accident.

At the moment the only way to know, is by bringing the child to a specialist who will define the kids situation by written test, follow by theraphy.

this proyect is build by a series of challenging puzzles for kids, with the porpuse of allowing the parent to know at a sooner time if their kid will need a professional evaluation and help.

The final game was made by 3 layers of mdf for each piece plus the board, cutted by a laser machine to get the most precise pieces.
The MOMO Board, is a game in which the parent can place the nine pieces arround a board creating a different path everytime for the kid to solve by moving thru it from one end to the other.
The infant most be able to resolve the puzzle every time faster, and to increase the dificulty the board can be join with another, resulting in a larger path.
MOMO Puzzle

MOMO Puzzle

Infants game
