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Blog #2 - Car Fire

The car was on fire for a good 5 minutes before the fire fighters showed up. Notice that even after 5 minutes it still didn't burn past the cars firewall. Pretty impressive if you ask me.
Picture was taken with the Kit lens at F12 iSO100 and because it was the middle of the day it was taken at around 1/3000 shutter speed. Even at that my highlights were still a little blown out. I managed to crop it out though!
This was my favorite shot from this incident. I love how you can see the water flowing over the hood of the car and you can see the other fire fighter walking towards the car. Pretty epic if you ask me.
Camera setting we the same as above.
I didn't know they did this until today! He slammed that crowbar into the front left corner of the hood and pried it back just enough to allow the hose to spray into the engine bay.
I really like how you can see the water droplets splashing out all over the car. Also in this shot you can see the discoloration the fire caused. I think it's pretty amazing that only the front part is scorched.
Blog #2 - Car Fire

Blog #2 - Car Fire

So there I was, sitting in the park with my family when suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a car bellowing smoke come flying around the c Read More
