Studio Veh's profile

Junge Deutsche / Young Germans

Junge Deutsche 2011 / Young Germans 2011
I developed the editorial design and all infographics of “Young Germans”, a documentary & research project implemented by Simon Schnetzer, a young German economist.

The purpose of the project is to understand social change from the perspective of young people in Germany, to communicate findings and to inspire political and/or institutional change.

about the project
Two months, almost 3.000 km, 39 x couchsurfing across Germany and hundreds of interviews: Simon cycled from the Alps to Berlin, to the North Sea and back, couchsurfed with locals and interviewed 18-34 year-olds at the roadside or at his hosts’ places. From September 2010 through to February 2011 an online-survey was live for broad participation, independent from the bicycle tour. The themes of the survey are: living conditions, work & financial situation, future – personal & Germany, politics & engagement and identity. 
Junge Deutsche / Young Germans