The Machine

The visual identification made for Michał Kowalczuk: an artist, and the author of a “drawing machine”. An important part of the project is a publication in which the history of the machine, an interview with the artist, and the results of his work have been presented. The book contains a unique series of linear graphics, which recorded the mechanical moves of the device.

Graphic design and concept: Marysia Markowska  / Photography: Aleksander Karkoszka, Marysia Markowska
Bachelor's work at The Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland.
How then you began to consider building this drawing machine?
I have been interested in this issue for a long time. I think I got the first impulse towards it more or less 30 years ago, when I got strongly impressed by two drawings by Francis Andre, hung on the walls of my parents-in-law apartment and enciting my constant admiration when I was looking at them. It was these two very weird drawings, totally different from computer generated ones that attracted me, inspired, and were at the beginning of the whole story.
Would you like to show your machine to a wider audience or you are rather intimately bound to it?
It would be very hard to show it to other people due to the fact that this machine is installed in my family home attic for good. I did not make it to make shows. It would be easier to film it, or make a new one to show to other people.

How is your family's reaction to it?
It depends which hour...This machine is not very bothersome. Its sound put some people to sleep and wakes up others. Usually, depending on circumstances of the everyday life, I have to adjust the machine's work to the household. Sometimes I can work on it it the whole night, and sometimes only to the late evening...

Project Made For


Projekt publikacji.
