A promotional booklet for street furniture in Georgetown.
Size: 135mm x 175mm​​​​​​​ (Fold)
Size: 1620mm x 175mm (Open)
This is a long book, briefly about my final year project, public art furniture (DiDe) that used to present during my first exhibition in my life.
Read full version here.
Exhibited during RINTIS  Art Exbition 2016, University Sains Malaysia.
Together with the product https://www.behance.net/gallery/40454813/DiDe-Public-Art-Furniture

Final Year Project 2015/2016
" DiDe" Book
School of the Arts, University Sains Malaysia.
DiDe- Booklet

DiDe- Booklet

A booklet that introduced a public art furniture- DiDe.
