DiDe is a new propose street furniture for George Town, Penang, which is inspired by one of the famous street art, ‘Kids on a Swing’ by local artist Louis Gan. Compare with the street furniture especially benches in the town, DiDe is slightly swingable, the street furniture is no longer dull in the town. With sculptural simplicity, DiDe is also a public art and beautify the town by silk screening image on it.
Street Art "Kids on a Swing" by local artist Louis Gan.
Design Series:
The single seat design can be extended until 3 persons to be seated to form a modular system along the street.
Environment Set-Up:
Dide is set up in different areas in George Town, along the streets, Old Esplanade, parks and any posible place.D
Pitt Street l Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling
Penang old streets.
Armenian Park
Penang Esplanade
Penang Esplanade
Penang Esplanade
Silk Screen on Concrete:
A few surfaces of the concrete is applied silk screen technique with some buildings/ trademarks of George Town and the own’s history.
Real Prototype exhibited during RINTIS ART Exhibition 2016.
During RINTIS ART Exhibition 2016
Final Year Project 2015/2016
Public Art Furniture- DiDe
Furniture Design 
Bachelor of Fine Art (Product Design) Hons
School of the Arts, University Sains Malaysia


A new propose street furniture for George Town, Penang, which is inspired by one of the famous local street art.
