Final presentation of the best samples from the blanket, felted and finished
The sample blanket was set up with three sections of warp, each section with a different threading and a different fiber; cotton, rayon and wool. The weft yarns are mostly wool, but there are some cotton and synthetic yarns as well.
I chose to go with mostly wool wefts because my end goal was for a thick, warm, heavy-duty fabric. Once I felted the blanket that is what I got, with some of the samples shrinking as much as 4 inches, they were practically bullet proof. 
My desired end use for these fabrics would be that they were made into a blanket, pillows or bags. I wanted them to be heavy-duty so they could withstand heavy everyday use 
Brainstorm of potential end uses for the fabrics made in the sample blanket
Sample blanket before it was felted and cut up
Sample Blanket

Sample Blanket

The sample blanket was set up with three sections of warp, each section with a different threading and a different fiber yarn; cotton, rayon and Read More
