Production Still from "AirWick: Life Scents" with Hornet Inc.
Production Still from "AirWick: Life Scents" with Hornet Inc.
Production Still from "AirWick: Life Scents" with Hornet Inc.
Painting props for "Android Wear: Mode" with Hornet Inc.
More props from "Android Wear: Mode" with Hornet Inc.
One of the many buildings constructed for "ESPN: Who's In?" with Hornet Inc.
One of the many buildings constructed for "ESPN: Who's In?" with Hornet Inc.
Process shot from "ESPN: Who's In?" with Hornet Inc.
Burning refinery from "In Da Kar" with Flashback Media
Burning refinery from "In Da Kar" with Flashback Media
George Clinton head and replacement mouths for "In Da Kar" with Flashback Media
Production still. Completed George Clinton head from "In Da Kar" with Flashback Media
Heartface from "Say Goodbye to my Heart" with Flashback Media
Fabrication Reel

Fabrication Reel

A sample of my professional fabrication work. Scroll down to see Behind-the-Scenes photos and gifs.
