Bhuvana Sekar's profile

What is Smart data? My Design Process

As a part of my Graduation Project,
 I'm trying to identify what 'Smart data' actually means. 
(This is just a part (focusing on my design process) of the entire project which can be found here-

So, about the question that began with what is 'Smart data'?
I started with putting all my thoughts and questions regarding Smart data on a big paper map, and then narrowed down the medium to Mobile phones as to how we may access and use Smart Data.

The topics covered span a wide range. From identifying current terms and trends, to data and its various forms, its history and evolution to the way information is accessed and used through various devices and what might the behaviour be in each case.

Paralelly, I also started noting down various hypothesis or ideas that would spark in my head, so that i could use them later.
Above : Snapshot of some areas that I have been trying to understand the Data beast. Do you know about 'your' data?

Beyond this secondary research, I craved to talk to some people and get some primary source of information. Things had developed in the background, whereby the area/domain where I chose to focus was - 'Food and Health'. 
From there, I made several Interview kits which had questions about various food and health habits and a means to capture food artefacts. 
Above : Here is a representation of what my Interview kit questions were about. 
On the left are sheets where interviews with each person were mapped out and issues and opportunity areas marked on post-its.

Following is a detailed 'skeletal' analysis of each interview that took place. From all the previous research done, few major factors and key areas were identified and relevant questions were asked in the interview in a semi-structured format. 

Once each interview sheet was mapped out, it was Superimposed on top of another, and this were excitingly, common personas started emerging! You can check this personas out here :

Finally, after all the detailed information synthesis was sone and personas were made. 
Design directions started emerging. The direction I chose to go was -

 "How might we make Food experience at home a more healthier experience" ?

For the chosen design direction, relevant concepts were made, which you can check out in detail here.
Below is a visual illustration I made to keep myself focused on the User, their problems, needs and the end experience. 
As a final concept for the project, an Application concept was made, within a service design framework. 

In retrospective, this was the overall design process I'm using during this project, to guide myself. 
This is the overall Design process (which keeps evolving!) that I'm using to guide myself here.
What is Smart data? My Design Process

What is Smart data? My Design Process

As a part of my graduation project, I'm trying to understand what 'Smart data' actually means.
