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The Constructivist Project

The Constructivist Project
Constructing Constructivist Constructions & Posters (CCC&P)
The 1917 Russian Revolution gave way to a burst of artistic creativity with the Constructivist movement at the forefront. Artists set about to create a new society through their works and nowhere is this more clear than in the avant-garde architecture that was designed in the 1920s and 1930s. Ninety years later, a growing and modernizing Moscow is undergoing a major construction boom which has endangered many of these irreplaceable monuments. The Constructivist Project is a project that documents, transforms and brings attention to these architectural treasures. It consists of eighteen 27 x 35 inch silk screened posters which feature a variety of buildings from this period. The posters combine a photographic image of the architecture, originally captured on black and white film, with text that informs of the name of the architecture, the architect(s) and year(s) of construction. Inspired by avant-garde graphic design of the 1920s, in the limited color palette of red, black, grey, and white, the posters draw attention to the uniqueness and importance of such architecture.

CHECK OUT the slideshow, it's behind the scenes of printing the silk screen posters, the designs of which you see below.
The Constructivist Project

The Constructivist Project

Posters inspired by constructivist graphic design combine a photographic image of Russian avant-garde architecture, originally captured on black Read More
