Nikolay Kaloshin's profile

Pavilion "Demiurg / Trap of sunbeams"

Pavilion "Demiurg / Trap of sunbeams"

Architectural festival "GORODA"
Where and when: Greece, Corfu-Vidos island, 20.09 - 03.10.2010
Object status: Complete

THEME: Architectural interpretation of ideas of philosophers from different countries and times.
The goal of this festival and competition is to create the architectural objects answering to the theme of festival.
Construction method: prestressed constructions - timber and steel cable, subtended by steel studs
Pavillion complete
In process
(developed by) Mikhail Shishin, Anton Shakhmatov, Nikolay Kaloshin
Pavilion "Demiurg / Trap of sunbeams"

Pavilion "Demiurg / Trap of sunbeams"

The project made in collaboration with architectural bureau "ELIS"
