„I love the depth of it! …. See, I haven’t smoked for 20 years, but now this makes me crave a cigarette.“
Stefan Sagmeister,
Sagmeister & Walsch, Industry expert, http://sagmeisterwalsh.com/
Can Design touch someone's heart? 1.project, Stefan Sagmeister, MFA Design, SVA 2014. 
The box is for two people who want to go for a smoke. Both have a key and the box can only be opened with both keys. The outer slider is a combination of the famous Marlboro mark and my friend’s profile pic on facebook (he is into geometric forms). Smoking can harm your health, but it is hard to deny that it also helped bonding between people and keeps them connected.


Can Design touch someone's heart? 1.project, Stefan Sagmeister, MFA Design, SVA 2014.
