Andy Bettarini's profile

Visionary statements.

Visionary statements
A personal collection of artworks that I produced during the years, that really mean something to me. You could say that they describe in some different shades, the way I see the world.
I always believed arts is a expression of the soul, and therefore doesn't need to be canonically attached to anything apart creativity.
There are no dogmas, nor doubts in art, anything is as it seems (either hidden messages, or ideas conveyed), there are no missing pieces that need to be added, and everyone as long as he wants it can feel it; as we are all part of a physical universe where there is something meant to be felt.
Future is not for us
This artwork came up when I decided to express the sorrows and doubts that sometimes we feel when thinking about the future. I had to use day scenery and retouch them to night, as the overall quality would came up much nicer.
Every piece has its own importance, I suspect though that the main subject is the actual light from the light poles, as a stream of hope in the darkness.
The Future graffiti is the "saint" halo of the visual subject, while words on his shirt express the truths of the past, and present.
Sometimes we feel like "our future" is on bankrupt, closed down, impossible to access.
We just sit in a corner, with a paperbag over our eyes, like censoring our same feelings.
In this melancholic image, there is still warmth and light, which breaks down the disturbing realities of a life that sometimes doesn't even belong to us.
Working in progress

Toxic Morfeo
Toxic Morfeo was born from a story that I wrote, and I wanted to make him come alive, on a not abstract level too. 
This was one of my first attempt on playing with visible lights as a main feature. As I am deeply fascinated by digital painted artists, I also tried to convey the idea of a digital strokes, while keeping it on my field as creative retouching. The fur it self was completely made from scratch, and trust me, it took me ages to create it. Stroke by stroke!
We can learn to love again
Being a Magritte, De Chirico and Dalì fanatic, I have to admit I profusely inspired my self from them. The idea of resurrection, new birth, metamorphosis always fascinated me, so I tried to convey those ideals into this artwork. 
Trying to convey the idea of a gallery exhibition, where the artwork now assumes a more"definite" role, almost real as the canvas.

Absolute Blue
Water is one of the natural elements that involves me the most. I don't know if is the fluidity, the peculiar properties or the fact that swimming underwater feels like being free.
One of my earliest attempt to photo-manipulation (I know, I know, our portfolio is supposed to have quality over quantity!) but I am still very attached to it, maybe for the melancholic undertone, the unreal blue shades, and the pose. Like if all hopes are lost, but still everything looks beautiful.

Morning Surprise
With this picture I tried to convey the idea of surprise, adding some details that are hidden at first look, like the girl in the waterdrop taking a picture which I actually believe is the real subject of this piece. Also I have been experimenting with some 3D modelling too, and added my identificating symbols like feathers and sunlight, as also a strong emotion depicted.
Visionary statements.

Visionary statements.

Being a Magritte, De Chirico and Dalì fanatic, I have to admit I profusely inspired my self from them. The idea of resurrection, new birth, metam Read More
