Program | This project was an exploration into the architectural potential of mass and form. The program was to design a form with a thoughtfully designed threshold, path, and moment of arrival within the form as well as the careful use of light and shadow. All of these points were also meant to reinforce the perception of mass and stereotomic quality of the form. The form juxtaposes compession and the cave-like perception of mass, against release and the open, floating feeling of steel paths that float off of form. These moments of change are repeated several times until the cycle breaks and reveals a final platform with views that were witheld from the viewer until that final moment of arrival.

Techniques Used | Sketching and rapid modeling with wire-cut foam was used for the ideation phase of the design. Final modeling was made of cast cement (Rockite) and steel that was cut, welded, and refined to the desired shape. The form was represented through a full set of hand drafted orthographic drawings, rendered with light and shadow. In addition, and to further explain the form, I added computer renderings made in Sketchup and finished in Adobe Photoshop.
Stereotomic Form

Stereotomic Form

An exploration into the architectural potential of mass, form, and light.


Creative Fields