An interactive installation that visualises the voice of the audience. Just as our voices are each unique, so will be each resulting visual image with variation in texture, nuance and dimension. The project began as a reflection on the acoustic phonetics properties of human speech in combination with Cymatics theories.
Speech Print collects the partecipants' voice samples of the given phrase:

‘One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I’ll never know’
- Groucho Marx -

A visual representation will be formed thanks to the sound analysis of the quote, through the employment of two different visual programming languages - MaxMsp and Processing.
 "Speech Print" Poster for the Exhibition on the 23.05.2016
"Speech Print" Installation during the Master Degree Show at GSA, 2-8 September 2016
 Examples of possible outcomes - Master Degree Show at GSA, 2-8 September 2016
Speech Print

Speech Print

“Speech print” is a data visualisation tool that from an uninteresting amount of information is able to narrate and highlight the differences is Read More
