Manga Yourself. 2016.
The purpose of this project entitled Manga Yourself, was to successfully distorting myself into a Manga-style character by emphasizing facial features and body proportions. The inspiration for this project was the art-style of Manga.
Original Photos:
These photos below provide the basis of which this project was created.
Reference Photos:
The following images inspired me to achieve that earthy feel, that I then incorporated to make a manga-esque fairy version of myself.
Progress Photos:
Initial Ideas or concepts developed before the final idea was achieved.
The Photoshop tools that I found most helpful were the liquify tool, the lasso tool, brush tool, and especially layers. The liquify tool helped make my “Manga self’ more realistically put together (rather than drawing it myself). Secondly, the lasso tool (more regular and magnetic) easily helped me select different parts of me, and the outfit so I can edit different parts individually. The brush tool helped fix parts of my overall image when I could not use parts of the original image. I used it to add hair, eyes, and wings onto the fairy. Lastly, layers was very helpful for this project, especially because I could work on minor parts of the image individually, and if I mess up, I could simply get rid of the layer rather than fix up major parts of the image. 
The aspect I found most challenging of this assignment was altering/liquifying my body and make sure everything was still in proportion of each other. Obviously the Manga eyes are supposed to be larger than the original image’s eyes, but to keep the body ‘manga-like’ yet still have the arms in proportion to the rest of the body was hard to figure out. To solve this issue, I mainly just worked with liquifying the body little by little all throughout, in different layers. By working in different layers, or a duplication of a layer, I can always go back if needing to fix anything. 
Manga Yourself.

Manga Yourself.

The purpose of this project entitled Manga Yourself, was to successfully distorting myself into a Manga-style character by emphasizing facial fea Read More
