Tara Gibbs's profile

Bugzilla Theme for ActiveState

Bugzilla Theme for ActiveState Software Inc.
Making Bugzilla work for both developers and non-developers
Over the course of three weeks, I adapted the default Bugzilla theme to improve the user experience and fit into the collection of ActiveState community sites.

This template was discussed by David Eaves in his article 'Design Matters: Looking at a Re-themed Bugzilla'.

You can explore ActiveState's install of Bugzilla at http://bugs.activestate.com
The Bugzilla home page.

Account management has been moved up into the very top bar.  Common actions, saved searches and help have been moved into the footer.
Filing a Bug

By allowing users to hide or show the advanced fields, and remember between sessions the user's preference, this theme makes the bug filing form friendlier for non-developers, but stays powerful enough for developers and managers.
Bug details

If a user navigates to a bug detail page from a list of bugs, a bar appears at the bottom of the screen which allows the user to quickly navigate through the bugs in that list.  This is especially useful when one is triaging bugs.
Bugzilla Theme for ActiveState

Bugzilla Theme for ActiveState

A new, more useable theme for Bugzilla.
