Stereo Strikes Back!

Billie, the stereo amplifier that combines  the precision of digital with the warmth of analog sound in a Nordic minimalist aesthetic. An objet d’art designed with attention to detail inside and out, Billie brings back the transcendent ritual of listening.  

“Our goal is to go beyond soundbars and bluetooth speakers, back to how music was meant to be experienced.” says Itai Azerad, Heaven 11 cofounder and designer. “We believe that the stereo system is still the best way to experience that ‘live in the room’ feeling. We’re not about ‘multi-room’, we’re about ‘in the room’.”
Named after Jazz Icon Billie Holliday, this amp plays ALL your music beautifully whether it’s from your phone, TV, Spotify or vinyl.
“We designed something for the pragmatic audiophile because we couldn’t find it out there. We built an affordable high-caliber amp that plays all of your music collection -  be it vinyl, Hi-Res digital, line or wireless.”


Moving away from the current trend of generic design and disposable materials, Billie’s shell is made of thick, machined aluminum. The cool minimalist casing details are balanced by warm, crafted hardwood knobs.

“Design is not just aesthetics, it's how we use an object, what the object communicates to us and about us.  I believe a stereo’s design ought to be closer to an electric guitar than a cable box -what most stereos look like these days. An electric guitar is quite a functional tool, -not too many useless knobs on there- but it’s also such an intimate object, there’s a mystery about it, you gotta feel a connection, you gotta want to touch it.”


Combining the detailed soundstaging of digital to the round, analog smoothness of tubes, Billie features ICEpower amplification by Bang & Olufsen (120W/4Ω), 32bit/384Kh DAC, AptX Bluetooth, RCA, vinyl and Toslink inputs. The tube preamp and powerful headphone amp were designed by award-winning engineer Denis Rozon. The amp is to be manufactured in Montreal, Canada.

When was the last time music gave you goosebumps?
Coming to Kickstarter this July 
More info at
Billie Amp

Billie Amp

Billie, the stereo amplifier that combines the precision of digital with the warmth of analog sound in a Nordic minimalist aesthetic. An objet d’ Read More
