Metal as potato
Shinaloa is gonna sew a rubber boa for the concert in Goa.
Easter Potato Peep
These boots were made for precariously balancing a potato on them
Steamed Potato
Yucca Valley Potato Cripps
Greetings M'Lady!
Potato Nerd
"Ayyyyy  I'm da Fonz! "
(aside- See! I toldya he was a nerd)
We are Potato
Tinka and Lulu
Peter the Pastafarian Potato
Brenda and Peter
Brenda was always torturing poor Vera at school.Just because Vera was not the BEST at doing her own hair is no reason to treat a girl like that...well...Vera also drooled a little....come on though, give her a break- she has THREE mouths.
Doin' the Mashed Potato!
Potato Peep Party
Stop it! That man behind you sees you! Jeremy! I mean it-Stop it right now!!
I know there's another one in there!
Well, at least it tastes okay
Potato Peeps

Potato Peeps

alternative accessories for the classic toy.
