The movie poster design was an opportunity to create a visual based solely off the title and genre of movie. With the chosen title “Hell is a Lonely Place” I made posters for an action, horror and documentary movie. For the design the goal was to use the poster as a way to visually show and explain what the movie is about from the picture. We also created a narrative for the poster design to go along with each visual. 
This is the poster that was created for the action movie. The narrative for the poster:
There was a great war in the heavens amongst the Angelic ranks. “The Rebellion”, as called by the inhabitants, caused a divide in a once tranquil area where Angels and their creator lived in harmony. After 3000 human years of war the Angels leading the rebellion were cast in the middle of the newly established Earth in a domain called Hell. They were under a strict guard patrol charged to Schario, leader of the Protection Group of Heaven (PGH). After 8000 human years there was an escape, they attacked the PGH, arose from their earthly prison and adopted the group name Demons. Their mission is to take over the earth and win the war against the Angels. For this rebellious act Schario is focused on hunting down every fallen Angel and bringing them back into captivity. 
This is the poster created for the documentary movie. The narrative for the poster:
Hell is a lonely place, goes on a fascinating discovery of religion and nonreligious groups of the world in order to gain different perspectives on the concept of death and hell. Most religions agree that hell is a place of torment, depression and loneliness. Others view hell as a state of being within ones situation while alive.  Through investigative studies of historical documents, psychological records and hearing first hand eye witness accounts you will be taken on a journey stretching from the beginning of time to the present. Who have the answers? How are people affected by this knowledge? Is it an actual physical place or state of mind, or alternate reality? These and other questions will be addressed on this deep analysis of hell.
This the poster created for the documentary. The narrative for it is:
Peace. No wars, no rumors of them, no violence; for the first time on earth people experienced utopia. Armies and Navies of the world were no longer needed, violence didn’t happen; mankind existed in a total state of love, happiness and joy.  Murder was thing of the past, robberies were unheard of, everyone had their shared of goods to enjoy for themselves and existed to help one another. Then one day something strange occurred. In the middle of the night there was a vicious attack on a family leaving a 12-year-old child dead and three others hospitalized.  Before this event a violent death had not occurred on the entire earth for over 300 years! An elite group of scientist, archeologist and police were sent out to investigate the area. Clues were hard to come by and the search for answers often came up short, but during the visit something happened. Throughout the town behavior of people was affected. Random acts of violence increased, anger and outrage within the people what is the cause of these alterations?  This picturesque town near Devil’s Mountain Wyoming was beginning to change. A priest attributed this phenomenon to a demonic presence arising from the earth. Historical records indicate that peace on earth came only after the Great War, which happened five generations in the past. After the time of peace demons would rise from hell, inhabit the people and enforce their will upon them.  Are we in this time now? 
Movie Poster Design

Movie Poster Design

The movie design posters were completed during Month 5 (November 2015) of the Media Design Masters of Fine Arts program.
