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Hughes Townhouse Remodel

Hughes Townhouse Remodel
Residential Interior Design - Realized Project
This residential interior remodel began with a townhouse located at 7328 Cedar Creek Trail, Madison, Wisconsin. The three-bedroom, two-bathroom townhouse was previously owned by an elderly gentleman. Upon his death, the unit was inherited by the late man’s nephew and niece-in-law. The new owners, a couple in their 50s who reside on Madison’s Eastside, decided that the outdated home was in need of an update. Having planned to rent out the two-story unit, they wanted the townhouse to feel inviting and open. Although the couple was willing to make big changes, they also wanted to maintain a low project budget.

In working with Sager Designs on this project, we kept the original layout of the first floor, only adjusting doorway openings and adding various cutouts to create a more open feel. Along with a complete kitchen remodel, another large change on the first floor was the partial coverage and demolition of the existing fireplace. Nearly ten feet of brick spanning floor to ceiling, it felt massive within the small living space. I worked independently to design a new solution that was modern, light, and functional. By using clean lines and light-colored materials, the illusion of a smaller size was able to be achieved. I also added cutouts, hidden shelving, and a sunken panel to house the television. This eliminated the need for a TV console as all wiring, electronics, and DVDs could be stored within the unit.

In order to create a more spacious second floor, we moved several walls to create two large bedrooms, each with their own full bathroom. Both bathrooms were completely remodeled to include custom cabinetry, designer tile, and sleek lighting. We also added drywall cutouts in the hallway for architectural interest. Overall, I feel that the space now has a modern feel with unique touches that any renter would love to call his or her home.
Dining room (left), Upstairs hallway overlooking staircase (right).
Master bath with custom cabinetry.
Early conceptual design for the fireplace, front elevation (left) and side elevation (right).
Excerpt from construction documents featuring fireplace design, side elevation (left) and perspective (right).
Excerpt from construction documents featuring front elevation of fireplace design.
Completed fireplace design.
Copyright © 2013 Emma Stepien. All rights reserved.
Hughes Townhouse Remodel

Hughes Townhouse Remodel

Residential Interior Design


Creative Fields