Amé Von K.'s profile

Pikidoodle - iv. (2013)

Piki is my spoiled black and white cat that loves being grumpy. And of course when you'e living with a cat, you find yourself observing the cat... I have been studying, drawing, painting, taking pictures of my beloved furry companion since the day 01 - May the 24th, 2012. These are parts of the recording. Enjoy.
(a guest kitty, Negs.)
For more entries under "Pikidoodle":
 Pikidoodle - i. (2012-2013)
 Pikidoodle - ii. (2013)
Pikidoodle - iii. (2013)
Pikidoodle - v. (2014)
Pikidoodle - vi. (2014-2015)
Pikidoodle - vii. (2015)

Piki's Facebook / Instagram
Pikidoodle - iv. (2013)

Pikidoodle - iv. (2013)

Sketches, drawings, paintings, illustrations of Piki the Mighty Kat.
