Manuel Duarte's profile

Antique | Font

Antique Font
Regular and Light

AntiqueĀ es una fuente "vintage" deĀ estilo Art DecoĀ con un aspecto clĆ”sico,Ā elegante y retro.
Contiene todos los carĆ”cteres principales (de la A a Z - mayĆŗsulas y minĆŗsculas), nĆŗmeros (de 0 a 9) y sĆ­mbolos.

Antique is a vintage Art Deco-styled font withĀ aĀ classic, elegant and retro look.
The typeface contains all main characters (from A to Z - capitals & lowercases),Ā numbers (from 0 to 9) and gylphs.
Antique | Font