Treatibles / Auntie Dolores- Designed and developed packaging for Treatibles and AD medicinal CBD edible product line.
All projects consisted of wrap around labels for glass and plastic bottles, full color printed pouches for hemp wellness dog treats, stickers for dog treats, and also redesign for CBD recyclable paper cylinders.

Auntie Dolores - Designed label for medicinal CBD oil tincture 
Auntie Dolores- Designed CBD gel capsule label. First product of the new supplement line in addition to the medicinal edibles.
Treatibles - Designed new gel capsule and tincture labels for Treatibles new CBD product in addition to the treats.
New Packaging Treatibles- Hemp Wellness dog chews product line rebrand.
Treatibles is a well know brand of hemp wellness treats for dogs, cats and other small animals. Rebranded using softer colors and printed bags for cleaner look for retail. 

Previous packaging Treatibles- Hemp Wellness dog chews product line. Temporary packaging using front and back stickers until the move to printed bags that reflect new colors, packaging and product.

Auntie Dolores- Canister packaging for new CBD medicinal edible product line. Designed canisters based on brand for the parent edible product line. The use of grey instead of black made the product lines distinguishable.
Organic Bath Co.- Designed and developed brand identity, logo and packaging for bare, a bath and body product line. Target audience: female ages 30 and up. Better quality product sold at a higher price point in select retail stores.

Packaging consisted of: acrylic bottles with either screen print on bottle or clear label. 
Typelogo, symbol, Color palette. Bottle options for color, shape, size and material.
Complete line consisting of body lotion, body spray, body wash and room freshener
Organic Bath Co.- Organic Goddess bath and body product line.
Target audience: female ages 18-30. 
Designed and developed brand identity,logo and packaging that would be sold wholesale and in retail stores such as, Safeway, Raley's, CVS, and Walgreens.
Packaging consisted of: labels for containers, bottles and boxed gift sets.

California Accessories - Retail packaging for contact lens cases
California Accessories - Retail packaging for lens cleaner and accessories


