Flash Brisbane's profile

Chester Street Graphics

Chester St Forest
How did the team at Flash in Chester St transform their bland, urban, office exterior of brick, glass and steel, into a vibrant canvas that shows off our abilities to perform similar mini-miracles in your work and home environments?
In an industrial area of the city with little greenery to speak of, the thought of bringing a touch of nature to Chester St appealed to our staff. We asked our design department, RedSquare, to see what they could do. Much to our (and ourneighbours’) delight, the designers delivered a green forest oasis, complete with an enchanted door to welcome customers into our world.

Facing a challenging range of exterior surfaces that included painted tiles, concrete, windows, and the most complex roller door to which we had ever contemplated applying a graphic, the team searched for a medium on which we could print and install our vision. After testing various products, the right "sticker" was found, printed, and trimmed for installation. All that is, except the roller door. This proved to be a real sticking point (pardon thepun), even for our experienced installers Mark and Luke. The two held numerous conferences concerning how to attack the unique problems that an old, dirty, rusty roller door presented. Should they stretch and mould the film, or weave it over the curves and swages of the door? Both options had unique issues in file setup, printing and installation, but with the second option finally chosen, the design was manipulated, checked, and sent to print.

Whilst printing the forest, all areas of the exterior were cleaned thoroughly inreadiness for installation. With a squeegee, a ladder, and a lot of patienceand skill, the prints were finally put into place. Although comprehensively covered, all the textures of the original surfaces are still visible when viewed up close, giving a living and tactile feel to what would otherwisehave been a two-dimensional finish.

Driving towards 19 Chester St is now, we hope, anunassuming and delightful experience. Much like the feeling you’ll get when youtalk to our friendly and professional team here at Flash.
the blank canvas
 the door into our world
 the easy end
 the roller door
 our bit for our environment
Chester Street Graphics

Chester Street Graphics

How did the team at Flash in Chester St transform their bland, urban, office exterior of brick, glass and steel, into a vibrant canvas that shows Read More
