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Vector Drawings, Women - Set 4 by K. Fairbanks

Women in Vector - Set 4
digital drawings by K. Fairbanks
Vector drawing of Rachael McAdams by K. Fairbanks
Vector drawing of Carmen Miranda by K. Fairbanks
Vector drawing of Marlene Dietrich by K. Fairbanks. I brought the vector drawing into Photoshop where I used the blur tool on parts of the hair in the foreground. All other work in this piece is vector- / Illustrator- based.
Vector Drawings, Women - Set 4 by K. Fairbanks

Vector Drawings, Women - Set 4 by K. Fairbanks

Vector drawings of women, (set 4), by K. Fairbanks. Drawings of entertainers Marlene Dietrich, Rachel McAdams, Carmen Miranda
