Beth Evans's profile

La Liga Animation

This project was undertaken during my time as an intern at IS Creative Studio. La Liga is the organisation for the Spanish Football League. The studio had designed the new, updated version of the La Liga logo. I used this Logo as the basis for some motion graphics.
Below is the process I went through from creating a simple spinning wheel through to creating a longer animation used to explain the underlying structure of the logo and how it is formed.
Simple initial wheel
Adding the colous and morphing into the shape of the logo
Smoother transition and addition of the central football
Different version
Animation showing the logo structure
After completing these more simple animations based soley off displaying the logo, I moved onto the project of telling a story relating to the brand which could lead into the display of the logo. We decided to try and convey some aspect of a football match in a simplistic style - using dots to represent the players. Below are some ideas.
In the end we decided the idea needed to be kept very simple in order to meet the time constraints. We decided upon trying to recreate the moments before a football match when both teams enter the stadium and greet each other by shaking hands - in a very minimalist style.
Teams animation (ending in the position to fit with another's ending logo animation)
La Liga Animation

La Liga Animation

La Liga Logo Animation Project
