Anindita Agarwal's profile

Egg Cup Form Exploration

This project focused on the power of form. I chose an egg cup to be my object and redesigned the traditional form of an egg cup after being inspired by three themes: Biomimicry, Baroque Architecture, Playfulness.
For my first theme, I was inspired by the nesting shape of a calla lily and incorporated elements from the plant into the form. The form was sculpted from yellow foam.
Baroque Architecture:
For my second theme, I was inspired by the patterns on Baroque columns and decided to make a column-like form to hold the egg. The wooden form was created on a wood lathe with additional carving details. 
For my third theme, I created a form with pointed ends that contrasted with an egg's fragility and its need to be protected. The form was sculpted from yellow foam.
Egg Cup Form Exploration

Egg Cup Form Exploration

Redesign of the traditional egg cup focusing on forms inspired by three different themes: Biomimicry, Baroque Architecture, Playfulness
