Sophie Kinsella's profile

Character Design and Illustration

Character Design I created of a Pacycephalosaurus dinosaur. He's a quiet, timid character who is passionate about books but not so great at playing football. 2017
Some more of my Pacycephalosaurus dinosaur character design. The rest of his herd spend time playing football or bashing heads together while he would rather run away and resume his studies. 2017
Colour design of my Pacycephalosaurus dinosaur design, 2017
Sleepy Cat Character Design, 2017
Waitress Character Design, 2017
Sketch and coloured piece of a character design of a girl, 2017

See the timelapse of this piece on my Twitter at or on my Instagram at
Dog Character Design created for Valentine's Day, 2017

See the timelapse of this piece on my Twitter at or on my Instagram at
Character design of my sister playing the piano after playing at a concert, 2017

See the timelapse of this piece on my Twitter at or on my Instagram at
Character Design of Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock, 2017
Character design of the twin brother of my sister's character creation. She played the role of both of them in a comedic short film she made, hence why they look so similar. 2016
Initial sketches of the Puppy character in my final year film, 2015/2016
Further sketches of the Puppy character from my final year film, 2015/2016
Some intial Puppy facial expressions
Final Puppy facial expressions
Final Puppy Design turn around
Initial sketches of the Mother Cat character from my final year film, 2015/2016
Further sketches of the Mother Cat character from my final year film, 2015/2016
Mother Cat facial expressions, 2015/2016
Mother Cat final design and turn around, 2015/2016
Kitten designs for my final year film, 2015/2016
Kitten facial expresions, 2015/2016
Final Kittens design and turn around
Character comparison chart of the characters from my final year film, 2015/2016
Sketch of a little woodlouse characte called Poda I was commissioned to do for a children's book. 2015
A sketch of the next character in the children's book, Cricket, who plays guitar and sings in a band. 2015
Sketch of the next character in the children's book, Grasshopper, who plays the drums in the band with Cricket. 2015
Sketch of the next character in the book, Cicada, who plays the keyboard in the band with Cricket and Grasshopper. 2015
Sketch of the next character in the children's book, Lightning Bug, who works as a spotlight for the band. 2015
Sketch of the final  character in the children's book, a cool and colletced dragonfly called Cobalt. 2015
Final design and turn around of the fox. 2014
Final design of the fox. 2014
Character Design and Illustration

Character Design and Illustration

A range of my character design and illustration work from the past few years
