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Auckland Libraries

BRIEF: To increase the awareness of features in libraries for teens and young adults.
CREATIVE INSIGHT: Teenagers do not typically visit the library as it is not part of their daily routine – they do not feel the need to go out of their way to visit the library. 
CREATIVE IDEA: To let the target market recognise how libraries can play an essential role in their daily lives, a digital campaign is created using reactions gifs in response to relatable situations. The ads are tailored to locations and real-time events. By highlighting relatable scenarios that are particularly appealing to teens, and subsequently offering libraries as the solution, we are subtly showing them the less obvious benefits of libraries. 
The humorous approach detracts away from the boring & intimidating library stereotype and encourages teens to think about the place in a different light. 


This is located around central highschools and universities, during exam periods.

On Adshels viewers are able to tap their smartphones against the ad using NFC technology and be directed to the Gif Generator, where they can submit their own reactions to be displayed on the Adshels.

To further engage the target market, they are encouraged to create their own reactions via the gif generator, which they can then share on social media with the chance of appearing on public Adshels. 
Auckland Libraries

Auckland Libraries

To increase the awareness of features in libraries for teens and young adults. This target demographic do not typically visit the library as it i Read More
