Astry Citrasari's profile

Malacca City : Taming Sari Part

Malacca, what's the first thing cross your mind when you heard Malacaa ? for me, I directly remember history lessein in school. A man from Portuguese Alfonso d'Albuquerque tried to claim city along Malacaa Straits. Heritage Historical City, now they called the city.
A lot of nice places here, but first I'm gonna show Taming Sari Tower and View from Above. This tower height is 110 Meter. High enough if you tried to see it from ground.
Trying to see tower from ground
To reach the highest point, you must enter this doughnout-like glass. This doughnout will lift you to the highest point
The doughnut glass lift you up.
View From 110 Meter Height
Because of its height. We can see it from any places. Including this Samudera Museum
Malacca City : Taming Sari Part

Malacca City : Taming Sari Part

A Tower in Bandar Malacca
