The last project of the term was Design Domain, a design school wide project, where all students in years 1 to 3 get the same brief. This was creating a piece of artwork inspired by Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, as a tribute for this anniversary. 
Since in this project the outcome was to be analog rather than digital, it was the perfect chance for me to go back to my roots in analog frame by frame animation. The aspect of the play that I took as inspiration was the theme of illusion. Therefore, I choose to build a zoetrope. I used a bike wheel for this around which I folded some black card to make the housing for the changeable inserts. As for these, I created a few of them so there is more to the piece as well as to get the viewers to interact with it. Their contents range from typography to one of the most important motive of the play, the eye. The natural movements of an eye are also perfectly short enough and repeating that they work in a machine like this flawlessly. I also used the shape of a circle, being a very clean shape, losing and regaining its form to play on the contrast between order and disorder. 
One of my faviorite project of the term. A refreshing change from constant coding.
Zoetrope Project

Zoetrope Project

Exploring illusion and frame by frame animation.
