Navroz is the Parsi New Year celebrated all around the world to welcome spring. Each year on this day, we paint eggs which are used as a symbol for new life. This time I decided to illustrate spring as I see it in the shape of eggs.
Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity.
Nature celebrating love.
One of the symbolic items on the haft sîn is senjed (sweet, dry fruit of the lotus tree), which represents love. Lotus flower is also associated with the idea of rebirth in some cultures. This flower holds so much importance because it emerges from murky waters absolutely pure and clean.
Spring is not just physical, it is a state of mind.
Rejuvenate. Find the light within.
Navroz Tapestries


Navroz Tapestries

Navroz is an occasion celebrated all around the world to welcome spring. Each year on this day, we paint eggs which are used as a symbol for new Read More
