Week 1 homework: create a self-portrait based on personality test results, using lateral thinking.
Week 2 homework: create a response to the "image blast" present in the media, using lateral thinking.
Week 3 homework: create a piece about failure, using lateral thinking.
Week 4 homework: create a visual representation of your animus/anima, using lateral thinking.
Project 1. I created a motion graphic/kinetic text video about rape culture. 
Week 6 homework: create a visual representation of your muse(s), using lateral thinking. My muses are music, light, and colour.
Week 7-8 homework: create a book cover using only randomly selected elements (using brainstorming techniques discussed in class).
Week 9 homework: Combine works that influence you.
Week 10 homework: Design a movie poster using typography.
Week 11 homework: Listen to music that's out of your comfort zone. Design a word that comes to mind, using unconventional objects.
Project 2: Explore a topic in the course deeper.
Ideas & Images

Ideas & Images

Projects and homework assignments completed for the Ideas & Images course.


Creative Fields