The textures and product shots were provided by Full Sail University to use particularly for this project. 
I started out inserting one of the textures that was provided as a smart object and renaming the layer to "background."
I then inserted the image of the whisky that I was planning on non destructivley cropping out the background with a layer mask, and saving it as a smart object. I renamed this layer to "Talisker Storm."
Once I saved the smart object and updated the original file it turned out to look something like this.
Once I was satisified with how the end product came out, I began to think of a phrase to include. When doing product designs, I personally think it's important to add a phrase or some type of text so that it catches the viewers eye. I decided to choose lyrics from Blake Shelton's song "Honey Bee." I felt like it would be a perfect phrase to catch the eye of whisky buyers.
I was fairly content with how I layed out the typography using two fonts. The white font is called "Lemon Milk" and I downloaded it for free on The cursive purple font is called "Brush Script Italic" and I found that on as well. I originally thought this was going to be the end of the project and I was done but I looked back and it felt like something was missing, so I went on to figure out what else I could incorporate. 
I ended up looking back at the textures that were provided to me and I found two that fit the layout and color of the project. I used clipping masks for each of them to create the effect.
I then went back and made sure all of my layers and paths were named and organized correctly. I also grouped the text layers so that I would not be confused if I were to return to the project or send it to someone else. 
This is how my layers pannel looked as I was working on the project. Notice, I didn't name some of the layers because I was usnure if I was going to change anything.
Here I'm showing the group that I created in the layers pannel for the text layers and clipping masks. 
This is the final look of my layers pannel after I was finished with the entire project. I grouped the text and clipping mask layers, renamed all the layers so that I could find them later on.
Here is my Paths pannel.
Here is my Channels pannel.
This is the final image.
Sources: downloaded fonts "Lemon Milk" & "Brush Script Italic".
Textures and product photos were provided by Full Sail University.
Text belongs to Blake Shelton in his song "Honey Bee."
Shot of Whisky

Shot of Whisky

Product Background Project Graphic Principles II Full Sail University Graphic Design Student
