Afghan farmers in their field 
A boy and his confusion as a platoon of Marines enter his home.
A morning walk through the poppies.
A defensive position made with C4
My platoonmate after a long fight with Taliban forces. 
"Did you see where it came from?" 
Navy Corpsman providing aid to Afghan boy hit by motorcycle in his village.
An end to the rain and mud. 
From a mud rooftop.
Storm clouds over the Sangin Valley. 
On Patrol. 
My teammate in a weary posture after shots fired. 
Living the sandstorm life. 
First base is a blown-off axle. 
A platoon in the middle of nowhere a long way from home. 
Blackhawk Medivac under fire. 
Swooping down to pick-up a wounded platoonmate under fire. 
It's not much but it was home. 
Photography at War

Photography at War

These are photographs I captured on deployment as a Reconnaissance Marine with 2nd Recon Bn ACO, 3rd Plt, Team 1
