Eugene Kovin's profile

Visa — Scroll to Sochi

Everybody knows it's really difficult to get a ticket to the Olympics. So VISA decided to give a chance for real fans to get it.

In a year of training for the Olympics cross-country athlete covers more than 15000 km. This is what the Olympics mean to him. Make the same journey to support the team and join them in Sochi. 

We built a 15000 km long digital track and connected it to the most popular social networks in Russia. Every week we started a new race. 17 starts — 17 chances to win tickets. Users of VK and OK are marked differently, so every network will compete for it's glory. 
Visa — Scroll to Sochi

Visa — Scroll to Sochi

Over 15 000 km by scrolling for get a ticket to Sochi Olympics.
