Katie Alcock's profile

The Nonna Project Website - A Completed Work


My client, an entrepreneur, mother, and online blogger, was interested in further developing her Wordpress site into a space where she could eventually turn a profit. She began the blog for pleasure, but was drawing quite a bit of traffic to her site where she offered recipes and stories about her nonna (the Italian word for grandmother). She had been using one of the standard Wordpress.com templates and needed something that would take the site to a new level. She hired me to design a brand and implement a new look on the site.

This project was completed in mid 2014.
For this project, I was responsible for:
-the concept
-the branding
-the user experience design
-the interface design
-the website development through Wordpress.org



Below are some logo iterations for the new brand. She wanted to see what a simple black and white logo with a serif font would look like, thus the first set of logos. The second set is a bit more playful and colourful. The final logo is a combination of the two looks.
The website was designed and developed using Wordpress. The goal was to create a highly visual interface that allowed my client to showcase her recipes while making navigation easy when it came to learning about the stories and reading in the more personal side of the website. That is why we decided on two sets of navigation (as well as a search bar).
The Nonna Project Website - A Completed Work

The Nonna Project Website - A Completed Work

My client, an entrepreneur, mother, and online blogger, was interested in further developing her Wordpress site into a space where she could even Read More
