This is an interview I did with award winning comic illustrator and Lafayette resident Rob Guillory. 

Rob is probably the most famous person I've ever interviewed. He's the graphic artists for Chew, one of the biggest comic books out right now. I didn't know it going in, but Rob and I actually went to the same high school, and after the interview was published he mentioned to a few mutual friends it was his favorite interview that he ever did. I think it came out quite well. 

For those that have never conducted an interview, it is a little more in depth than one might assume. You can't simply ask questions and write out the answers. You've got to dig a little deeper. You must capture the subjects voice while telling their story in an interesting way that appeals to and can be easily understood by others. 

Click here to read the interview.
Rob Guillory

Rob Guillory

An Interview with Rob Guillory.


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