The idea of the #TakeTenContest intrigued me intially. I had no idea what to create with the ten omages. Coming up with digital art using our own photos is rather easy if you know what you're doing, but creating something new out of images you have no choice over is something new all together. The first place I looked for inspiration for the project was, surprise surprise, a dictionary.
Impulsive — Without forethought
I guess one could say I picked up my brush, layer masks, blending modes and images and just ran with it, and to some extent it is true, for art does not have to conform to a plan to be beautiful. Art can come from unexpected places, even when one is not thinking — that to me was the very beauty of this ocntest, that it was challenging us to create images we had no idea of initially and so had no plan for thereafter. 


I decided to take part in the Adobe #TakeTenChallenge the moment I learned of it, and here is the fruition of my efforts.
