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Kalimba Identity

Kalimba Identity rebrand
Water with a Limburg character
Kalimba is tasteful water, bottled from the company-owned well with respect for nature and people. The well, in the logo visualized by the spouting fountain, symbolizes the three countries where the company Kalimba is active in; Belgium, Germany, France. All these countries have one thing in common; the Limburg area. We choose this beautiful nature-rich area as main image for the marketing campaign, supported by the tagline “Water with the character of Limburg”.
The website opens a window to the Limburg landscape, showing the vast diversity in color andis a Belgium water company offering and servicing quality water coolers and water dispensers for the home and office. Kalimba gets the water from their own well and sells it in the Limburg area from The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Kalimba asked us to pitch for the redesign of their Brand Identity. They felt it needed to be spiced up because their marketing position and proposition had changed. With our company presentation and lots of charme, we got the commission. So than we had a problem, because... how do you sell water?

Market Survey
We did a Market Survey, phoning 300 people in the three countries Kalimba sells to. We asked them a whole bunch of questions about how they interpreted water, what would be a killer argument to get bottled water, what they would pay if they wanted it, and much more. With this extended research report we could go to work.

After we had some interesting and intens brainstorm sessions with the client we (secretly) descided that we needed more magic than just a visual shift. We felt the logo was outdated and didn't fit the company's mission anymore. So we surprised the client with a complete overhaul of the logo ánd all the Brand Assets.

Marketing Campaign
We created a new Marketing Campaign to re-position Kalimba and claim their market share. We focussed on the Limburg area with all it's beauty and touristic magnet function. We didn't want to sell water bottles, we wanted to sell emotion and taste.
We designed a campaign image where a Kalimba water bottle is placed upon a local Limburg hill, visualising the water is coming directly from the Limburg well.

It's safe to say that they were more than surprised and happy about the result.

Red dot award 2012
We've descided to send the Kalimba rebranding in for the Red dot design award 2012 'Communication Design'. Do you think we have a chance? Let us know and keep your fingers crossed.

See the Kalimba Identity rebrand on our website
Kalimba Identity

Kalimba Identity

Kalimba is a Belgium water company offering and servicing quality water coolers and water dispensers for the home and office. Kalimba gets the wa Read More
