This was something I made on a whim. I added it to my map further down the portfolio as a reference for when I drew the map on actual paper. I enjoyed making this piece a lot.
When I went into this, I knew I wanted to make something elegant and fantasy-like. Knowing this, I decided to go with thecurvy lines you see in the points of the compass, using the pen tool in PhotoShop. I started with the base circle, so once I had the whole thing outlined, I figured it would look cool to put a sun and moon mix in the circle. For awhile, this is where I stopped; deciding that the compass was too boring, I added the rope-like things between the points, then added the symbols in the trianglular areas between. 
This is a dead tree I made for a game I made with 2 friends for our senior project in high school. The tree is super symbolic and stuff, but here it's just a dead tree I'm proud of.
When I made this, I had noooooo idea how to make a menacing dead tree. I was kind of panicking since I needed this done, so I just started with a straight base that I thought looked menacing. I brancched out, and then branched out a third time, making sure to take advantage of hard angles in the branches to add to the look I was going for. A tree isn't so hard to make when you take it one tier at a time. Doing it all at once is overwhelming.
One day I woke up and decided I wanted to start a fantasy world! So I came up with this map, and am in the middle of creating lore, Gods, and everything else that goes into a universe. The name of the world is Auzador.
When I made this, I started with a background that I found online that was just some crumpled, old paper. I applied from filters, and then drew over it with the tan color on a separate layer, then blended the layers so the map texture could be seen through the landmasses. After that, it just came to deciding where cities, mountains, and water would be. The final step was naming everything. 
This animation is my favorite animation I made for my senior project in high school. It always makes me smile because of how happy he looks. 
In our game he was meant to be the happy-to-be-alive fat guy everyone loves. So I made him as such. He's a happy dude, and has a big belly. He's not ashamed of his big belly, so he likes to slap it to emphasize it. Nothing too special technique-wise went into this, but I was proud of how the perspective turned out on his arms turning, and also on how gelatinous his belly ended up looking.
These are all the characters from my senior project in highschool, aside from the main character. These are his parents, friends, and neighbors, all brutally murdered by raiders. aside from a few, who he meets again later in his journey which starts when he comes back to discover the carnage.
We wanted to hit all the main points that would be in a village; A couple couple families, a granny, a single fat guy, a hot teenage girl for the main character to meet again later on, and a lovable animal. So I created all these to fit those roles.
Personal Work

Personal Work

These are the entries into my game design portfolio!
